Lag By Another Name

Thu, 06/09/2011 - 15:10 -- Don Trahan

In the Surge Swing, you keep that angle between forearm, wrist and shaft you had at the top of the backswing as long as possible during the transition. That will lead to more clubhead speed, power and distance as the lower body runs away from the upper body. Yes, there'€™s a name for it.

'€œLag'€ is a very popular term today. And that is what you'€™re doing by keeping those angles until you extend your arms at impact. When you'€™re shifting weight from your back leg to your front leg, the '€œbump,'€ that'€™s when '€œlag'€ happens. And as many of our readers have noted, they'€™ve increased distance and accuracy when there is a noticeable '€œlag.'€

Check out our manual, starting on page 101. Take a look at the photos and make note of the position, the angle between forearm, shaft and wrist. That'€™s where you'€™ll discover '€œlag.'€

Keep it vertical,

The Surge!

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IM_IN100's picture

Submitted by IM_IN100 (not verified) on

Hi Surge: I bought your videos in Jan2010 but have not had time to watch them or put anything into practice until this week.  Your daily videos kept coming to my email, and finally I was able to get to the driving range.  On the second swing, I hit my 7 iron as far as I'd been hitting my 3 wood with my old swing. This is unbelievable!! Now for my question:  When I purchased the videos in January 2010, was a manual included? You mention the manual in this video, and the original email that takes me to a web site says to read the manual along with watching the videos.  Well, I don't have a manual and didn't see where to download one. How do I get the manual? Thanks again!

Boogm's picture

Submitted by Boogm (not verified) on

Most excellent video today,Surge,thank you for another trip to the back porch.I hope this helps those that were worried they weren't lagging in their swings, when if they were bumping correctly they truly were.

kudos to both Neil & Lynn for the Surge nod :)

Roy Reed's picture

Submitted by Roy Reed (not verified) on

Robert:  Glad you got one ordered.  The Swing Rite really does work.  I have two of them that I use for my students (one men's and one women's).  It's a very simple training device that gives you instant feedback about your swing.   I especially like it because it lets you "feel" the release, lag and tempo.  Take care and have a great day!  R2

Dick Lee's picture

Submitted by Dick Lee (not verified) on

Hey Over the Edge

You are like a bad golf swing, over the top.  Who doesn't use a clipboard?  I used one for years in law enforcement.  I use one when I do home inspections, and when I teach.

Do you expect Surge to be able to quote from our blog posts without notes?  Did you expect him to be able to quote from the manual without reading it?

Another great use for a clipboard is for mounting trolls.  Try this exercise.  Put your hands flat on a clipboard.  Have one of the other trolls let the clip down onto all your fingers.  Just stay like that.  It might hurt a bit, but it will be worth it as it will prevent you from typing any more of your nasty little notes.

After another of Surge's great daily video, that is all you got from it.  I guess the old saying is true, "You can't fix stupid."

I feel better already,

Benholt7's picture

Submitted by Benholt7 (not verified) on

Are you sure now cos for the 4th time you have contradicted yourself saying 'Thats it - Im done with you '.. haha
Its funny how you never once replied with anything regarding what I said about why Ive been like this, cos Dick blatantly LIED….. That’s the 3rd time Ive mentioned it and you have yet again conveniently avoided this part and keep going back to the fact someone made a mistake and liked a post by accident.. Why wont you man up and say something about your buddy..???
Honestly Steve right, you are an absolute fool.....If cerveza pressed the like by mistake, surely dont u think they would have said so, because Ive seen that they have LIKED other comments made on this subject ( about them )….  Im not sayin your point isnt valid as I know its possible to hit like by mistake, but as I and anyone else reading this knows, the evidence points to the fact your WRONG and they LIKED it cos they are thick like you and thought it was funny, but u will still harp on about it saying it was a mistake im sure.
Do you think Cerveza hasn’t read these posts.? Course they have, and they are letting you do all the fighting for them whilst they sit back reading and probably laughing whilst you stand their corner about it when they know they did it on purpose…… Watching you keep saying ‘ Im done talking to you now’ then saying something else like a lemon.

Im actually starting to think its funny myself seeing your irate replies, I think Cerveza is possibly doin this on purpose cos of some other useless remark you’ve made in the past…!

Tarter6's picture

Submitted by Tarter6 (not verified) on

Surge, really liked the tip that talks about skipping a rock, I have a problem with flipping the club, this should help.  Question, did you sell names to another golf site, selling lessons or tips. all of a sudden I an getting tips from a guy in Las vegas on a daily basis.

T Medley's picture

Submitted by T Medley (not verified) on

I recently started wearing a glove on my right hand, in an effort to do away with all of the band-aids and tape needed to cushions the arthritic wear points. With the glove, I do not need the tape or band-aids. But now I have to change two wet gloves every 4 or 5 holes.

Robert Meade's picture

Submitted by Robert Meade (not verified) on

Thank you so much for puting so much time, effort and careful thought into your daily videos.
This one especially shows some depth of preperation and consideration. I really appreciate you taking us back to the manual and to the most key and yet for most of us the most challenging aspects of the swing. After seeing you go back over pages 101 and 102 it inspired me to go back over the entire series of "pictures" and details fro page 95-107. Great stuff. Getting back to the manual would be great advice for all of us. Over the coming days on the practice tee I am again recommited to ingraining the rock skipping position and the bump.You give some very important advice on page 95 stating under the caption words PICTURE YOURSELF "Use these photos as your guide.You can use a mirror or window or have someone videotape your swing.Do it both face on and from the back.Freeze the frame to see where you are in relation to these pictures." I have and will do this more so in the near future. It can't be emphasized enough that the video tells all. It is one of our greatest tools to really see what we are doing. It is often NOT what we think we are doing. I also reviewed the swings through the bag (of Surge) and not only in slow motion but click by nano second single frame click and what amazes me most in relation to the 'lag' or the maintaining of the angle of the shaft in relation to the arms and the delaying that we want to achieve is that Surge, DJ and actually all great ball strikers have that back(right) elbow at the hip or pocket until the clubhead is only about a foot from striking the ball. Thier arms straighten only at the very last nano second. Watch it click by click(if you can) and it is awesome to see. Will I get close to that some day? I can only hope and work on it. And that's the plan.

Robert Meade's picture

Submitted by Robert Meade (not verified) on

Amen Robert. Hey, I'm headed over to Los Prados for 18 holes at 11:45. You're welcome to join me if you can.

T Medley's picture

Submitted by T Medley (not verified) on

I would like to say something polite about you or at least to you, So I hope you have a wonderful evening, you horse's ass. No really, you are a giant horse's ass, no getting around it, plain and simple, you are a humungous horse's ass. Have a great evening.

Amos's picture

Submitted by Amos (not verified) on


    Almost!   We did have a few "chararcters" still wearing the old "Plus 4's" and long stockings.


Roy Reed's picture

Submitted by Roy Reed (not verified) on

Robert:  That is hot!!!  I had a chance to play 9 holes this morning and it was 49* when we Tee'd off but warmed up to 62* by the 9th hole.   Looks like we won't be seeing any 75* days around here for another week or two.   Enjoy summer - I don't know when we'll get ours!  Hit 'em straight!  R2

Steve Smith's picture

Submitted by Steve Smith on

That's a very good observation. I was experimenting a little in the yard this afternoon and noticed the same thing about the hand position. It is easy to get the palm of the right hand angled slightly upward. As long as I used the motion of everything except the position of the hand everything was working great. If I included the hand position in my "skipping the rock" or "submarine pitcher" it was easy to block it right.
The key is to keep the main fundamental of the Surge Swing during the swing and keep the palms perpendicular to the ground (no matter what else we are trying to do with the rest of our body).
The motion of throwing a submarine sinker curve ball works much better for me than the usual riser that comes from releasing with the palm angled upward.

Apologies to non-baseball players for something fairly technical in the last sentence but maybe you can get the message from the preceding sentence.

Robert F's picture

Submitted by Robert F (not verified) on

Please. :)

T Medley's picture

Submitted by T Medley (not verified) on

I think the Great Lakes area is slowly or perhaps swiftly returning to the Hot, Humid, Tropical climate, which they claim existed here thousands of years ago. Each summer seems hotter and more humid than the last.

Roy Reed's picture

Submitted by Roy Reed (not verified) on

Martin:  Steve S. is absolutely correct - don't bother with the Medicus.  I (and many others on the blog) highly recommend the Swing Rite trainer.  It is one of only two training devices recommended by the Surge, and will do wonders for your swing.  It helps you attain proper release, lag and a smooth tempo.  It works, plain and simple.  Doc Griffin can get you one at a discount, too!  Hit 'em straight!  R2

shortgamewizard's picture

Submitted by shortgamewizard (not verified) on

I downloaded the videos to my computer and use Quick Time Pro and Photoshop to create some interesting observations. Quick Time lets me pause and advance frame by frame by using the arrow keys.

Amos's picture

Submitted by Amos (not verified) on

Steve Smith:

    Interesting that you mention baseball -- most of my hits varied from right center to left-center.  In high school, my downfall was the fastball. never could seem to "catch up" to a decent fastball - about the best that I could do with it was "clean out" the first base dugout or sometimes the first base coach!  On the other hand, I knew exactly what to do with a curve ball that stayed in the strike zone.

    I do pretty good in sports or parts of sports that rely on hand-eye co-ordination - like shooting a basketball, hitting the relay man in baseball, or striking a golf ball flush and square.

    Things that require fast reflexes - like hitting the fast ball or returning a hard serve in tennis
I am almost helpless.

     Keep hitting them STRAIGHT and LONG


Benholt7's picture

Submitted by Benholt7 (not verified) on

In relation to our little convo recently…..So you want me to apologize, Hahaha Get a grip……! You’ve got a head full of magic you Terry ...... As I said b4, I didnt start anything. I stated, and I stand by the statement,  Why would someone bother to post a reply to a nice, simple question with 'Didnt we see this yesterday'...... There was no need, there was not even a response to my initial Q. Now, granted, I wasnt impressed, but the reply Dick followed up with was before my Hitler remark, so Im only to presume from your lack of truth in explaining this matter correctly that you are old and senile, like the rest of this so called family. If someone new attempts to ask a simple Q, and gets the replies that Dick sent, then you know what you and your family can do.....??? I dont think I need to tell you, but it involves sticking a red hot poker in your own orifices.. Comprende..???

Kevin McGarrahan's picture

Submitted by Kevin McGarrahan (not verified) on


Great video and reference to the manual. I have the manual downloaded to my computer and look at it at least once a day. What amazes me is how words mean different things to different people and how all of my fellow Surgites help each other to sort them out and come up with common terms. Every time one of these differences occurs, I have to look at the manual to make sure I know to what others are referring.

I do have one question for you to which I think I already know the answer: Do you swing your club on the course or in practice as fast as you do the little one when you are talking? I know that time is precious during these videos, but sometimes you really get going fast with that little club.

Thanks for everything you do for the world of golf and life in general.

For anyone who may be interested, the latest version of Adobe Reader X allows one to highlight parts of a document; in this case, the Foundations Manual. I have quite a few of the oft-repeated Surgisms highlighted for my daily references.


T Medley's picture

Submitted by T Medley (not verified) on

Those are my kind of days. I prefer 60s to 80s and especially 90s like we have been having in Ohio. At least it's a wet and humid heat, so we stay nice and moist. Drink 2-3 morning coffees, 4 bottles of water, a couple beers,pops, or energy drinks, and still not have to pee the entire round from all of the sweat fluid loss. I had to change my gloves 4 times the last round from sweat.  The one thing it beats is the rain. 

Dick Lee's picture

Submitted by Dick Lee (not verified) on


Easy there big fellow.  That little troll got under your skin.

I have to say, I love your posts.

You just made my evening,

Robert F's picture

Submitted by Robert F (not verified) on

Hey Keith,

focus more on copying Don, rather than DJ. That quick rotation of the forward arm that DJ does can only be controlled by a really good athlete, I think. I've found recently that in addition to other benefits, the slight droop of the right elbow also helps to get the lift going much sooner in the swing. I'm still having an issue myself trying to put this into practice on the range, as that stupid little ball gets into my head as much as everyone elses no matter how much I preach about forgetting the ball and focusing on the movement of the arms.

We're all working at it. You have the great advantage of having found Don before your body built up years of bad habits. :)

NeilofOz's picture

Submitted by NeilofOz (not verified) on


Thanks for responding to my comment about lag, the Doc has also given some input on this
topic to me. For a long time I have been a prodigious caster, instigated from early coaching and
lack of any natural sporting ability. The problem for me still is during the arms dropping or the bump being instigated it still makes my wrists cast without any feeling of it happening. 
I continually video myself and the casting shows up all the time showing the release happening
about half down the downswing. I have conciously tried to maintain the 90* angle in several ways
without much success. Up to now, my game improvement has been developed by pronnating
early in the downswing and swing faster in the FUS, towards the target. Had some good scores
recently, but the feeling comes and goes in a flash and I lack the necessary power.

Would appreciate any comments from bloggers.

Steve Smith's picture

Submitted by Steve Smith on

1965. A really good year! Led the league in home runs and batting average, in LITTLE LEAGUE. LOL
Also got my first horse that actually belonged to me and won a nice Washington Redskins jacket by winning the Punt Pass and Kick contest locally. (Dad wouldn't take me to the next round because we didn't have the money).

Robert Meade's picture

Submitted by Robert Meade (not verified) on

Thanks Steve. I think that has been part of my challenge too. Getting that right hand too far under when "skipping" and not ' right hand vertical' as you said. Let me ask you a question that requires frank honesty. Did you have a flatter more rotational swing ever? You know, like pre Surge days? I know you normally draw the ball, right? Has that been your general tendency for years? I ask because if there was one breakthrough that you had from flatter rotational (possibly push/slice) to your now very vertical swing(and draw) that can inspire me I would love you to share it because I did come from decades of sacred barial ground swinging and learning vertical has been tough to say the least. I don't think there is a bigger fan and supporter of this swing than me. However that has'nt made it easier to "get" it. I have read many of your posts and explaination of how you get it vertical and deeply appreciate your comments along with many of the other guys. 

Robert Meade's picture

Submitted by Robert Meade (not verified) on

Glad you are catching up Boog. If you'd like you can go to and shot tracker and review his whole round hole by hole. His string of 4 birds was so cool. I'm headed off to play 18 holes. Suppose to be 100 degrees toaday. Good ol' Vegas summer is here. Have a great day.

Roy Reed's picture

Submitted by Roy Reed (not verified) on

T:  I hear you!  It's just no fun playing in the rain.  Here in Utah, we have really low humidity, so when it warms up, it's a nice, dry heat.  lol  We still have two ski resorts open, with base depths of more than 200".  They say we'll be skiing until late July or August.  My son actually went skiing this morning and then played 9 holes at Thanksgiving Point, on his way home.  Have a great day!  R2 

Keith Kent's picture

Submitted by Keith Kent (not verified) on

We need to calm down and respect Dons blog, some of the posts are going well over the top. Why don't you exchange emails so you can privately let off steam intead of letting us all read this.
This wouldn't happen on my blog I can assure you and with such insults you would be banned.  

Kevin McGarrahan's picture

Submitted by Kevin McGarrahan (not verified) on

You can also click the Spotlight link to the right of the video to purchase it.

Amos's picture

Submitted by Amos (not verified) on


   Been there; done that! -- Specially when I leaved in hot and humid Memphis and Little Rock --- 4 gloves was about par for the round!


Lynn42's picture

Submitted by Lynn42 (not verified) on


Stupid clipboards??  I had no idea you could measure the IQ of a clipboard.  Did you listen to ANYTHING Surge said?

If the clipboard bothers you that much, I respectfully suggest you go find yourself a "real" pro that doesn't use one.  Good luck with that.


Steve Smith's picture

Submitted by Steve Smith on

A little public service announcement before I go play a round of golf:

Sometimes we get people on the site that are new to using computers. Last year was the first time I ever even touched one myself but thanks to people like BP Perk and T Medley having a little patience with me and telling me things I picked up the basics much quicker than if I wasn't regularly using this site.

For any current users that are not used to using a computer:
If you want to find a comment or comments that you may have read before from an individual or sometimes see a really good point from an individual and want to see what they may have said previously you can click on their avatar (or as Dick likes to call them "fake picture") and see all of their previous comments. Then you can see how many times they may or may not have said something.;-)

Edgedirect's picture

Submitted by Edgedirect (not verified) on

Put your damn clipboard down and show swing postion, rather than stturinng around w/ that stupid clipboard, no real pros teach w/ a clipboard

T Medley's picture

Submitted by T Medley (not verified) on

I like how you classify or worry that IT MIGHT be a slump if you have to struggle to make pars. There is nothing better than a hard earned had to struggle or scramble par. I wish I knew how to make an easy par, all of mine are struggle and scramble pars. However, it is getting better with the new sticks and aids. Unfortunately, my self discipline for practice needs attention.

Robert Meade's picture

Submitted by Robert Meade (not verified) on

Steve, please read the above post that I gave to "Guest" that was meant for you.

Kevin Pouder's picture

Submitted by Kevin Pouder (not verified) on

I'm thinking this one should be BLACK LISTED until civil language and tone are used. Having negative and/or opposing opinions are welcome, but need to be presented respectfully non the less.

Roy Reed's picture

Submitted by Roy Reed (not verified) on

Hi Robert.  I live north of Salt Lake City, Utah.  Crummy weather here - lots of cold, rain and snow.  Hopefully it will start to warm up next week.  We still have two ski resorts open with base depths over 200".  They say we'll be skiing until late July or August.  lol.   So far, our spring temps have been about 10 to 15* below average.  Hopefully things will improve soon.  Have a great day!  R2 

Steve Smith's picture

Submitted by Steve Smith on

Maybe the best back porch video yet!
If one of them ever explained almost everything you need to know to hit the ball longer and straighter (with next to NO possibility of hitting a slice) this is the one.
Don't let this one slide by without paying attention.

Steve Smith's picture

Submitted by Steve Smith on

I knew there was a good reason I don't wear a glove. Just didn't know what it was.;-)
I don't think I could keep track of one glove, much less 4 of them. LOL

Robert Meade's picture

Submitted by Robert Meade (not verified) on

Terry, your killing me with laughter. On point but so funny. I was gone all day with my son so am getting in on the action late. Sometimes that is a blessing because I can sit back and admire all that staunch Surge supporters. It warms my heart :)
