Hit Up to the Sky

Thu, 02/03/2011 - 17:50 -- Don Trahan

Yesterday I talked about helping the older of two brothers with his power blocks and slices. Today, we'll discover the main problem with Brother #2.

It really all came down to where he was looking. Everything about Brother #2's swing was "down." He was hitting down on the ball, taking a huge divot, and the ball went everywhere except where he was aiming. In the Surge Swing, we know your divot should be ultra thin, like we're just lightly pulling the grass.

As it turned out, the major problem was where he was looking. He had his head cocked forward so he was looking at the front of the ball. This made him put his weight on his left or front side, exactly the opposite of the Surge Swing's "heavy right." By looking at the front of the ball, he was also totally out of dynamic balance. Muscles on the right side were stretched, muscles on the left were contracting. He couldn't help but hit down. And we always want to "hit up."

We got him into a dynamically balanced setup, got his nose "at the ball" and swinging up to the sky. Problems solved.

That's where we all want to be, swinging up to the sky.

The Surge!

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