Tom Watson Golf Digest Golf Tip

Thu, 02/02/2017 - 22:44 -- Don Trahan

Tom Watson is a very successful professional golfer that has been able to perform at the top of the game well into his 60's. Why? Tom Watson is a vertical swinger! I have been supplied a subscription to Golf Digest from the PGA for close to a year. Often the magazine gives me fodder for daily videos about bad golf swings and bad tips. But today, this is a great tip by a great player that I highly respect.

The tip is from Tom Watson who has performed well in his professional career far into his 60's. His short three paragraph article is the best thing I have seen come out of this magazine since I started getting a copy of it in the last year. Mr. Watson is a vertical swinger and he discusses how the golf swing starts with the hips, hands and arms with proper hip rotation.

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Dear Surge,

I recently had a few bad rounds and realized I was having a problem with the bump. My hands at the top of the backswing were getting stuck and I was not letting the bump and turn bring my hands DOWN but out. I realized that the bump was not sliding to the right but slightly lifting the hip UP while turning. This started pulling my hands DOWN and inside correctly and It fixed my swing. Is this correct?