Top Ten Mistakes

Thu, 01/15/2009 - 11:00 -- Don Trahan

Well there is good news in the world of the peak performance golf swing.

Don's “Top Ten Master Mistakes” videos are now available.

Be sure to sign up on the home page or the free videos page to start watching them. You should get the first video almost immediately after signing up, and one each day over the next ten days.

Enjoy the videos and watch the site for some great things to help you even more with your golf game in the near future.


The Peak Performance Golf Swing Team

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Golfshop's picture

Submitted by Golfshop (not verified) on

If you're a starter in golf you probably are exercising for that move that would create you look excellent when everybody's viewing. If you are looking for move guidelines it is worth noting that you have to look for straightforward techniques so you can utilize them quickly to your frequent perform.

pmccurdy's picture

Submitted by pmccurdy on

I enjoy using the surge swing and I like it. I am not as tired at the end of the rounds but I have lost some distance. Is this normal ( the distance part)? I am still relatively young at 58 and this is frustrating to me. Is there any part of the surge swing that I should work on?

Terry Medley's picture

Submitted by Terry Medley on

PMCCURDY: The loss of distance seems to be a consistent problem with most beginners of the PPGS. Here"s a link to a few articles from using the search block, located under the log-in block. You may find even more with phrases like swing speed, club speed, distance, etc... I hope you find these one's helpful.