Newton didn’t invent gravity, he discovered it.

The same thing happened to me with the vertical golf swing. I didn’t invent it, I just perfected it and named the improved version the
Peak Performance Golf Swing. 

Unlike Newton, however, an apple didn’t hit me on the head. Instead, my back gave out due to the dangerous and totally unecessary forces my old rotational swing generated. What I discovered then, and have confirmed through 30 years of study with leading scientists and doctors, is that not only could I hit the ball as far with a shorter backswing, but my accuracy improved so much that it felt like I was using a laser-sighted rifle rather than a golf club.

I feel so strongly that the vertical swing is the superior way to hit a golf ball that I am offering you a free, no strings attached opportunity to learn about the Peak Performance Golf Swing. By giving us your name and email address  in the box to the right, I will send you a series of 10 emails with links to 10 short instructional videos on the major mistakes amateur golfers make and what you need to do to correct them.  And, as a bonus, I'll also send you my article "The Case For The Shorter Backswing" that I wrote for Senior Golfer magazine that describes why a rotational swing is the worst way to swing a golf club.

In the late 1970s and early 1980s, when I was playing often and competitively and teaching nearly every day at Harbour Town Golf Links, taking OTC pain pills became part of my daily routine.

My back hurt so much that I seriously considered quitting the game altogether. So one year, as my teaching schedule went into its winter hiatus, I decided to experiment with my swing.

I went out to driving range and started making note of how far I could swing without experiencing a shooting pain in my back. When I went beyond a ¾ backswing and took my club to parallel, the pain returned. When I limited limited my turn and my swing to keep the club head from going behind me, I felt great. I realized right at the outset that I was hitting the ball as far as I did with my rotational swing but the amazing thing was the striking improvement in accuracy. Nearly every shot I took landed within a handful of yards from my target line. I was thrilled!

This was the start of my journey to the vertical, limited turn, ¾ backswing.  Little did I realize back then that my journey of discovery would be years in the making.
You see, I'm an inquisitive kind of guy--I just don't want to know that something works, I want to know why it works. When I began my study of the golf swing, I felt certain there were two basic disciplines involved -- physics: how the club works the ball—and physiology: how the body works the club. I’m a golf professional, not a scientist or physician. I needed help from experts in those fields so I sought out a number of physicists, kinesiologists, orthopedic surgeons, occupational therapists and chiropractors.
We asked some fundamental questions about the swing: What has to happen? Why does it happen? And, how do we make it happen? When we found the answers, we pieced the puzzle together. The result was the Peak Performance Golf Swing, which is now available to you through all of the resources on this website.
This is the first golf swing that has combined the physics of the ball and club, and the physiology of the body, to produce, as close as we can, as easily as we can, the “perfect golf swing” within the limits of our body.
I want to emphasize one very important phrase: “as easily as we can.” When you first attempt to learn my swing, you will see immediate improvement. That has always been my goal. None of this “you’ll get worse before you get better.” I was – and continue to be – tired of those excuses.
Change should happen now. Today. Out on the range. Try the fundamentals of the Peak Performance Golf Swing and the pain will go away. You’ll be hitting the ball like you thought could. Because you can! There are hundreds of thousands of golfers out there today who bear testament to that promise.
If you want to get started today, I suggest that you sign up for my series of 10 FREE lessons on The 10 Major Mistakes Amateurs Make by using the sign up box at the top of this page.  These lessons will be sent to you once a day for the next ten days, giving you a great opportunity to check out my swing. I will also send you a link to a very informative article that I wrote a number of years back titled The Case For The Shorter Backswing. It fully explains why this swing works better than any other I've found.
So go ahead. Sign up for the 10 Free Lessons I mentioned above and give this swing a try. Also be sure to check out the free golf lessons I publish six days a week when my busy schedule permits. Over the last three years I have published over 1,100 of them and that library is there for all to use. You can find the latest tip by clicking the Daily Video button above. Afterall, what have you got to lose except swing-induced body pain and a bunch of strokes off your scoring average?
Keep it vertical!
PGA Master Professional