Eight Lesson - Straight Back & Through

Want to cure your slice?  Conventional wisdom today recommends the “inside-out swing” as the cure.  That’s the swing most golf pros teach today.  Well, in my experience, that’s the swing path that will mess you up for the rest of your golfing career.

When students tell me they’ve been taught to cure their slice with the “inside-out swing” I ask them the simple question: “Why not just learn to hit it straight?”

I am met with silence.  But, quite honestly, why use a Band-Aid when you can do the real thing: hit it straight.

The inside-out swing leads to one thing: army golf.  Left-right-left-right.  Who needs it? It’s like your doctor telling you he can cure you 50% of the time or 100% of the time, same time involved, same price.

I know you’re smarter than that.  For those who follow the Surge Swing, inside-out is out!  It just doesn’t make any sense.

Try this.  Just to get the motion: Assume your setup position, then toss a ball underhand, like skipping a stone on a lake.  Swing your arm straight back and through and it goes straight forward.

That is your swing path.  PERIOD!

Honest.  It is that simple.  You don’t need a Band-Aid.  You just need the Surge Swing, the vertical, ¾ limited turn backswing.  It’s based on physics and physiology, the laws of nature.  There is no other swing like it, no other swing that gets you to your goal (lower scoring) faster and keeps you there.

You don’t need Band-Aids.  You need a swing that makes sense.

In the meantime, if you want more information on how my students, including my son, PGA Tour pro DJ Trahan, maintain a longer, straighter and more consistent swing, check out my complete series of instructional videos right here at www.SwingSurgeon.com.  These videos are available immediately via digital streaming.  You’ll also be able to have both the digitally streamed video and a hard copy set of DVDs for a low, additional charge.

You can try everything out with this guarantee: if your game does not improve in 90 days, I’ll give you your money back, no questions asked.

I believe in the Surge Swing.  So do thousands of my students.  Click here to join our blog and jump right into our daily conversation.

Tomorrow we take on what may be the most insidious “swing thought” amateurs fall for: hitting down on the ball.

To Lower Scores,

Don Trahan, PGA